
New Linux Users Group for the beginner.

One on one help for anyone curious about or just new to Linux.

New Linux Users Group Logo

ONLINE Sessions

  • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
  • ONLINE sessions will use a remote video meeting service on 22 October 2024.
  • Refresh your browser to see instructions sent to our mailing lists and then linked here .

  • What!


    Whatever the new Linux user needs to know.

    The newest user in the meeting selects the topic.

    We won't pick just one ahead of time. We will accept suggestions and requests, as the course of the meeting will be entirely up to those that attend. Join us to share our knowledge, learning experiences, problem solving, techniques, tips and troubleshooting.

    We can mostly explore the traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI), as it is easy to use, often familiar, and friendly to use. We will NOT focus on the Command Line Interface (CLI) as it is seldom required and generally optional for day to day use. However, it has many benefits.

    We have access to many formal slide show presentations; but, we use them only to present information and encourage discussion. We encourage and prefer lively interaction and user questions. We always want user questions to be asked. We never think that any question is too dumb.

    A selected topic will NOT restrict the course of our meetings. These topics are tentative. They are only suggestions.

    • FIXED Optional, watch ahead video

    Order of Events:

    First some simple introductions, administrative minutia, announcements, and then you can Call For Help during our Questions and Answers period.

    Sometimes we will watch a video or have a slide show presentation, after which there will be general discussions that usually lead to additional topics.

    Sometimes, there can be a live demonstration of a Linux distribution (distro) installation, updating, changes, features and applications.

  • NEW In what order or sequence are the meeting events held? NEWLINUX_Meeting
  • Items of Interest


    ONLINE Sessions

  • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
  • ONLINE session testing will use JITSI remote video meeting service.
  • When!

    Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

    from 6:30PM till 9:00PM Central Standard Time (CST) UTC-06:00

    We will open the remote session at about 6:00 PM CST, so that you can join early to test your microphone, screen and video sharing.

    Next scheduled meeting dates

    Monthly Meetings

    The Saint Louis, Missouri (MO), New Linux Users Group (NEWLINUX) is for beginners with Linux, the newcomers.

    Our meetings will usually be held from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM ( with rooms reserved from 6:00 for setup ) on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except December, which is sometimes on the third Tuesday.

    After a quick welcome, introduction and administrative announcements we have a Questions and Answer Period. Then we might have a short application demonstration or slide presentation to start. We may stay on that topic or go on to whatever topic the Linux beginners, the newcomers want. We talk about Linux, various Linux Distributions (Distros), installation, use, and other Free Opens Source Software (FOSS).

    There is no fee to be a member. Meetings are free and open to everyone. Skill levels may range from complete novice beginners, the newcomers, to experienced long-time users. So, please join us at our next meeting or event for fun, knowledge and networking.

    There are many good reasons for switching to Linux. Or, not. It all depends on individual needs. There are also some challenges that potential new users should consider. We believe most problems are offset by the advantages.

    We want to promote Linux use, attract existing Linux users, and exploit the knowledge of those existing Linux power users.

    We have reserved rooms; but, meeting topics depend on your interest. A number of local MS Windows power users frequently attend. They work with both MS Windows and Linux, and love it. Making everything work between different Operating Systems drives these individuals and they are familiar with all kinds of problems. They just continually try to sell you free software.

    The New Linux Users Group (NEWLINUX) exists to provide to beginners, the newcomers, up-to-date information about Linux and FOSS, its associate applications, features, capabilities, limitations, community, and to provide answers to technical questions. Previously we were known as the Hazelwood LUG.

    A SLUUG Special Interest Group

    NEWLINUX is a Linux Users Group (LUG) that is loosely affiliated as a Special Interest Groups (SIG) with the St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG). Under SLUUG care any room fees are paid and web page support is provided. Individual membership dues, fees or other charges are NOT required. These meetings are free, public and open to all.

    Other independent, loosely affiliated SLUUG sponsored groups:

  • St. Louis Area Computer Club
  • St. Louis Linux Users Group

  • SLUUG Annual Meeting and Elections

    As required by SLUUG By-Laws, a required annual meeting was held 14 February 2024. Attending any two SLUUG sponsored meetings in calendar year 2023 qualifies you to vote. Ballots for February elections are now available for secret balloting. An absentee ballot could be printed and mailed to us; but, must reach us well before 4 March 2024 for counting.

    Contact us if you have a presentation you would like considered for selection.

    This site hosted by the Saint Louis Unix Users Group